Thank you for signing up for Open Door Animation Dailies, a FREE weekly live review session for artists seeking feedback.

This LinkedIn post brought in hundreds of you wanting to connect - and that’s pretty freaking awesome - and that’s why we’re talking right now!

We’re using SyncSketch, and if you plan to upload files for review, be sure you’ve joined (It’s Free) as a member of the SyncSketch OpenDoorAnmiation Dailies Project. (One-time deal - If you already have, you’re good)

We’re hanging out on Discord. A place where we can help each other, from critiques to tips and tricks to acting advice, to draw-over help, to acting theory, to discuss what's happening in our crazy industry. I see this Discord server as an animation lab you can visit; there will always be someone here to help.

On Mondays, newsletters with the week’s schedule and meeting links are sent out.

Thanks, Lino.